Thursday, November 10, 2011

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

"Occupy," explained by Cookie Monster

Yes, there always going to be rich and poor. But we used to live in country where rich owned factory and make 30 times what factory worker make. Now we live in country where rich make money by lying about value of derivative bonds and make 3000 times what factory worker would make if factories hadn't all moved to China.

Capitalism great system. We won Cold War because people behind Iron Curtain look over wall, and see how much more plentiful and delicious cookies are in West, and how we have choice of different bakeries, not just state-owned one. It great system. It got us out of Depression, won WWII, built middle class, built country's infrastructure from highways to Hoover Dam to Oreo factory to electrifying rural South. It system that reward hard work and fair play, and everyone do fair share and everyone benefit. Rich get richer, poor get richer, everyone happy. It great system.

Then after Reagan, Republicans decide to make number one priority destroying that system. Now we have system where richest Americans ones who find ways to game system -- your friends on Wall Street -- and poorest Americans ones who thought working hard would get them American dream, when in fact it get them pink slip when job outsourced to 10-year-old in Mumbai slum. And corporations have more influence over government than people (or monsters).

It not about rich people having more money. It about how they got money. It about how they take opportunity away from rest of us, for sake of having more money. It how they willing to take risks that destroy economy -- knowing full well that what could and would happen -- putting millions out of work, while creating nothing of value, and all the while crowing that they John Galt, creating wealth for everyone.

That what the soul-searching about. When Liberals run country for 30 years following New Deal, American economy double in size, and wages double along with it. That fair. When Conservatives run country for 30 years following Reagan, American economy double again, and wages stay flat. What happen to our share of money? All of it go to richest 1%. That not "there always going to be rich people". That unfair system. That why we upset. That what Occupy Sesame Street about.

(NOTE: I didn't write this.)

Monday, October 17, 2011

Yoda, Posing...

"Sucks now, my life does."

"What? Understand, I do not"

"Myself, who I do enjoy."

"Continue to pass, the days do."

"Update the resume, I should. Highlight typing skills, I must."

"Touch not. Here I must lie."

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

A Question Of Balance?

Has there been a change in, "Customer Mentality," or, is it just the city I live in?
Throughout my life, I've always read a Closed sign to mean, "Closed."

Like this:
Me: **approach door** Oh, they're closed. **walk away**

These days, however, I come across this:
Person: **stepping around the closed sign** Are you closed??
Me: Yes, we are.
Person: So, does that mean I can't get a/an ____________?

What the hell is this?!? It's all relatively new to me, and, it makes me ask a few questions.
Is this just a San Francisco thing? Or, is this a national epidemic of hubris and self-importance? Have DSL and smartphones led us to a, "I need, you deliver," state?
A "Closed" sign only means one thing. It certainly doesn't mean, "We're closed to all, except you." This isn't rocket science, people.

It is things like this, that make me respect the thought process of a Dalek (alien villans from Dr. Who). As a Dalek, my prior example would go like this:
Person: Are you closed?? (while stepping around the closed sign)
Me: Yes, we are.
Person: So, does that mean I can't get a/an ____________?
Me: exterminate. ExterMinAte. EXTERMINAAAATE!!!! **lasers shoot from fingertips**

Much simpler.

Really though, what is going on? Any thoughts?

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


As long as I'm adding...

This was created over a three day period.
I keep the original in a frame, on my bedroom wall.
And, yes, I was very bored...

Ink On Paper © Daniel Patrick Jones - 2010


This is me, doing Art.
The original is 2.5"x3.5"

The scan made it enormous... that's why you see it covered with dots.
I'm breaking-in a set of oil sticks. I used the blue as the main, because that's the stick I want to use when I do the final touch-up on my TARDIS model. These oil sticks had sharp edges, which I needed to get rid of. Still, I think this little thing turned out well!

Anyway, oil on canvas, © Daniel Patrick Jones, 2011, yadda, yadda...

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A Rating

I'm connected to ALL the social-media. This has it's advantages, but also, far too many drawbacks. Let me, stand now, lay down the pros/cons of these sites:

Twitter: Mostly, I follow comedians. This is my Humor Source. This is what keeps me alive. I follow other important people, but, this hasn't proven to be an outlet for friends. Sure, I'll get answers from Neil Gaiman, but, that doesn't mean that I know, or, understand, Neil Gaiman as a person.
As a social application, I think Twitter failed. I only have four friends who use it, among the many Facebookers, that I can keep some kind of communication with. Personally, I *heart* the Twitter.
I wish that more people I KNOW would use Twitter.

Tumblr: An awesome blog site! It uses the Feel, of Facebook and Twitter, and gives the user a free template, for any ideas (or format), and, the blogging possibilities can be endless.
But, like Twitter, It's an unknown (among personal friends) format, so, I follow several random accounts (many are the same people I follow on Twitter).

LinkedIn: I don't take this one very seriously. I work in the restaurant industry, and, short of a miracle, I will always be in this industry. Linkedin loves the idea of suggesting people, in careers, that I could never do.
My mom has a LinkedIn account. To those who know my mother, you know that Hell has gotten slightly colder.

MySpace: I learned many of the basics, of HTML, on this site. During their demise, they got rid of CSS sites, and, that's when they lost me. RIP, MySpace!

Facebook: Wow... what can I say about this site? When I joined, there were about 40,000 members. That was an awesome time! The near-Atari interface was the bomb. Hell, I reconnected (some, personally) with high school friends! That was when Facebook was overtaking MySpace. They went from 125 million, to 400 million, in nearly a blink of the eye... BUT, I miss the old layout.
Facebook spends so much time updating, they've forgotten that they are (used to be) Facebook!
My 'Wall' is covered with Friends commenting on Non-Friends Wall's.... Non-Friends tagging photos... people I don't know are ALL OVER my Wall.
Facebook is a whore, now. I'm addicted, now, so I'll keep using it, but...
Years ago, Facebook peaked. Not with Users; just with sweetness.

Google +: I'm an unimpressed member. Will this be the next Big Thing? We shall see...

Friday, July 29, 2011

On the debt-celing "debate" *sigh*

”Subtle details change characters’ lives in ways too complex for the conscious mind to grasp, though we nevertheless grasp them. Thus plot not only changes but creates character: By our actions we discover what we really believe and, simultaneously, reveal ourselves to others. And setting influences both character and plot: One cannot do in a thunderstorm what one does on a hot day in Jordan. (One’s camel slips, or, from homesickness, refuses to budge; so the assassin goes uncaught, the President is shot, the world is again plunged into war). As in the universe every atom has an an effect, however minuscule, on every other atom, so that to pinch the fabric of Time and Space at any point is to shake the whole length and breadth of it, so in fiction every element has effect on every other, so that to change a character’s name from Jane to Cynthia is to make the fictional ground shudder under her feet.”

— From “The Art Of Fiction” by John Gardner

Cynthia= Republican terms like “Cutting,” or “Budget”

Jane= The FACT that the debt-ceiling MUST be raised, as it always has before…

Remember: Cynthia is not Jane’s Siamese-Twin… They are unrelated!!!!!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Poem 4

Once, I said "Hi"
Such a simple word
Possibilities endless.
Could it mean,
A new friend?
Or, more than that?
A new perspective?
A new life?
Is this the greatest day?
Once, she said "Goodbye"

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

A Harry Potter Critique, In A Minor

I haven't been a fan of the Harry Potter movies for a long time. The first two, directed by Chris Columbus, were the most accurate Book-To-Film retellings ... I am a big fan of those two movies. Though visually slow, they captured the most of the reading experience, which also, is slow and developing. The minor details, that could lead to a 4 hour movie, are out.

Okay, I get that.

When the franchise handed the reins to Cuaran, I originally thought, "devastation." When I saw Prisoner From Azkaban, I was at a loss for words.... at first, I screamed, "They left out so much!!!!" Seeing Azkaban later, I realized what Alfonso Cuaran was focusing on. As a film, it became Excellent (though, it worked off of about 10% of the book).
Azkaban was still based on a 350-400 page novel. To base a 2 hour film on 75 pages was ballsy.

Now, however, we get to the 650 page novel.

After Azkaban... the ignoring of plot-lines (laid down in the novels) became more overtly obtrusive. The Goblet of Fire, though the longest novel to that point, became a lame High-Light of particular scenes. What was left out.... with what was left in (and bastardized) made the film feel like a trailer, for the Order of the Phoenix. The problem? Well, the Order on film was a gargantuan waste of time! By then, the directors had learned to Omit.

A lot of the time spent at Grimmuald Place could have included, especially, the original handling of the locket-horcrux.

By the time of Deathly Hallows Part 1, so much had been left out, that making a list here would be more exhaustive than reading The Brothers Karamazov.

What I loved about Part 2, was how they compacted the stated. As a film, and with the understanding of what is removed, this finale becomes one of the best Potter films.
As I said, the first two are the most accurate. After that, you must be able to ride the wave (probably easier to do if you haven't read each book multiple times).
This film happens (somehow) to be excellent in covering over the the previous omissions. It can almost Stand Alone.

The idea of a stand-alone Potter film hasn't been around since Azkaban, and before, the Sorcerer's Stone.

Also,though I might be vastly biased... the sequence of Snape's memories was almost too awesome.


I'm disappointed because:

1) It isn't explained how Snape knew the location to put the sword.

2) The Final Battle happened outdoors, and, alone. In the novel, and in the Great Hall of Hogwarts, when "Tom Riddle's lifeless body falls," speaks volumes to who Voldemort thought he was, and in the end, wasn't. The film allows him to break to ashes, and float amidst the wind. It gives an appearance of Power, to Tom Riddle. Disgusting.

3) The end NEEDED to be in the Headmaster's office. Harry, talking to the portrait of Dumbledore, and, using the Elder Wand to fix his own wand... To see, "Dumbledore beaming," at Harry's decision to get rid of the Elder Wand... to get those final explanations from Dumbledore, himself....

4) Countless other things.

I'm proud to have witnessed, because:

1) With his paleness, and the wounds from the chains, depicted so well, the dragon of Gringotts was such a sad character.

2) The death of Severus Snape: Easily the best scene from a David Yates directed Potter film. Though, it was in no way related to the novel (location- those who witnessed). The utter violence. It's tenseness, with the banging wall and splatter. Terrible. It could have almost been a scene right out of the book (if it happened in the Shrieking Shack, with only Harry witnessing, while under his Cloak of Invisibility). Oh, Alan Rickman being great. The statement about the eyes.

In the future, it's probably simpler for me to re-read the novels. Other than Jaws, the movie is never better than the book. That aside, the Potter finale is worthy. It makes for great visuals to an entirely unique world (even if it leaves out half the book).

Unlike the other recent films, I give HPATDH1.5 a big Thumbs-Up.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Neil Gaiman In Berkeley

I decided to get there early. I did. When I showed-up, at the church, I saw six people sitting around the entryway. “Sweet,” I told myself, then, I decided that another coffee was important. So, I started to wander Berkeley. After some window shopping, I found myself in the home of the latte.

Mediterraneum Caffe, in Berkeley, claims that Honor. They have signs explaining that some guy (perhaps a founder, or owner), back in the early 50's, had too many complaints about espresso strength in a cappuccino. His customers were lame, and, wanted more milk, which he added, to ease their lameness. Anyway, this guy added a, “cappuccino with more milk,” to his menu, and, named it a Latte (Greek for, milk, I think). So, I ordered a caramel latte, and it was great! It was served in a huge mug, and, the foam-dollop, on top, was drawn into a leaf. After I finished the great latte, I got a coffee to-go, and went back to the church.

Back there, I noticed that the crowd had (as expected) grown. So, I picked a bench, away from the crowd, and lit a cigarette.

Ultimately, I was waiting for someone, and, I'm a considerate smoker. So, deciding that I would smoke a ton of cigarettes, and do this away from the crowd. This venue covered a whole block, and as the main entrance was closer to one intersection, I picked an empty bench near the further intersection. While I'm sitting on this bench, I figure a Facebook-check is in order. I tell myself, “ as long as I'm on my phone, I won't miss a call from Aaron.”

When I bought the tickets, I was in a maelstrom. This event sold-out within 36 hours. Whew, I had my tickets!! Surprisingly, the hard part began. I asked myself, “Who am I bringing?”

I pondered this for days. Of course, I had some easy answers... Amanda, Corinna, Greg, John, Michael, Jason, and others... These were solid contenders, but then, I recalled that I knew a published author. Not a novelist, published through Penguin, but still... a daily-writer, who spent his waking hours working on another short story. I decided that, for as much as I wanted to see Neil Gaiman, that I knew someone who needed to see him.

I chose Aaron Beyer, (his blog is at to see the Neilnish. I figured an under-published, though still trying, writer (or, author) should have the chance. I asked Aaron to join me, and, found out that he is a huge Neil Gaiman fan. He said Yes, immediately. I swelled with pride, having chose the right person.

So, back to sitting on that bench....

I was looking down at my phone when, all of a sudden, I heard a British accent approaching me. I looked up. There, in front of me, in full beard, full accent, and, in full conversation with someone, was Neil himself... I started to raise my hand. My brain filled with things I wanted to say. My brain also realized that he was in mid conversation... my brain stopped. I lowered my hand, and let him pass. I didn't want to be That Guy, the one who explains to the star, "Who He Is." Nor, did I want to hold him up long enough, when suddenly, the crowd at the entrance realized he was there, and, started coming over, en masse. I mean, ugh, he was in the middle of a discussion.

A mistake. When Aaron showed up, and I was smoking another cigarette, the line wrapped around the block. I asked Aaron to get a spot, as I wrapped-up the current, then started another, cigarette.

Anywho, the line didn't last long. We already had tickets, and were able to move to another, shorter, line. We got in. We found decent seats, among the pews. We listened to @zoeboekbinder (for you Twitter peeps), then Adam Savage came out. His intro wasn't much more than Neil's Twitter bio, but, it set the stage. After Neil approached his chair, and the roar of the crowd was over.... Adam Savage (@donttrythis) was exceptionally subtle. His questions merely leaned the conversation. Neil had the freedom to ramble for 15 minutes, on any question.

Wow, um.... when I say “Ramble,” I mean that Neil was allowed to go off, on any story, about anything. Most of this appearance was about American Gods. Neil's descriptions of ideas entering a “Box,” that was, “Forgotten,” and, “Laid aside,” until looking at sign (having been awake for several days), and asking one silly question... “Did they take their gods with them?”

Bam. Who can explain a catalyst?

It's why I love to see an author discuss his/her work. Listening to a writer explain their process is pure magic. If you have never been to a book event, I highly recommend it. Listening to the author can change your perspective! A few years ago, I saw Jasper Fforde ( at a Barnes And Noble, and, his insights (coupled with his hilarity) were astounding.

But, at the end of it all... Neil didn't do a meet-and-greet. When he was passing me, to enter the church, I really should have stopped him; shook his hand, and, asked for a photo.

I'll be kicking myself, for years..........

Thursday, June 23, 2011

On Coffee

Once upon a time, in a hilly land south of the United States, a genius, a hero… nay! the Ãœbermensch, beget his greatest idea:

"I shall pour hot water over these ground-up beans!" exclaimed Juan Valdez.

Not since Sliced Bread has so simple an idea had such global impact. In the thousands of eons that have followed, mankind has worked tirelessly to refine Sir Valdez's technique. The fact that mankind has triumphed is wholly evident. Equally important to preparation, of course, was finding a proper name. Simply put, Hot Dirt Water isn't marketable. Alas, Coffee! A good, strong name; something you'd pay money to hear James Earl Jones say, over and over. From espresso to instant, and everything in between (excluding decaf- whose creation, like a Justin Bieber movie, was daft and unwarranted), humanity has shown that creative spark, which, long ago, forced God to dole out those opposable thumbs.

That's enough history. I'm no, "Professor," and, you know all of this, anyway.

I'm not gonna say that I drink too much coffee. It'd be like complaining that I take-in too much oxygen. Among my main vices, it's the least-outwardly destructive. The alcohol comes with hangovers, and, saying (and doing) stupid things. Also, of course, the poor memory to remember those stupid things. The nicotine comes with a persistent cough, and, everything I own smelling like an ashtray.

Coffee actually has positives. It starts my day. It keeps me active! Coffee gives me the momentum to run errands, which I'll run when I'm not busy shouting at a rock. A jolt o' joe helps me through grocery shopping, though my vision might be too blurred, to know what I just bought. It makes shopping a game, and who doesn't like a game? Currently, I'm stuck with four bags of Snausages, three packs of tampons, and, five issues of the same Self Magazine.

Ha, now what?!? Okay, I didn't say that it was a Fun game...

Another bonus occurs on my walk to work. I'm rarely burdened with walking all the way down to the next intersection. Usually, I'll just climb up, and over, any silly building that tries to get in my way. It helps me avoid that Snails-Pace, that is MUNI.

My love of coffee runs deep. Coffee looks at me and says, "Are you ready to climb Everest?" and, I look it straight in the bean, and say, "Hell yeah!" There simply aren't enough words. I could probably go o..... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..............

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Bye, NHL. For The Second, And Last, Time.

Dear Atlanta Spirit Group,

Thanks for Nothing.

Nothing is what you gave to the Thrashers franchise, and now, Nothing is what you have left for Atlanta hockey fans. It has been said, "You gotta spend money to make money." After over a decade, I still meet people who don't know that Atlanta has (I mean, had) an NHL team. Getting the product-name out into the world takes spending money. Money that you were not willing/prepared to spend, and a lot of corporations took note of that. Major corporate sponsors have been jumping ship for several years, and, that's all on you, Atlanta Spirit Group. It isn't just a question of your marketing skills, either. Lackluster personnel decisions have been a decade-long trademark, too. Yes, you signed Ilya Kovolchuk... Great. Bravo. You've also shown the professional sports world how not to run a franchise. Embarrassing. Thanks to your bungling, the idea that the NHL will ever return to Atlanta is almost laughable.

You're a bunch of morons.

Sincerely and with my humblest rage,
Daniel Jones

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Some More Haiku

I follow a Twitter feed of John F. Kennedy's actions, through 1961. After looking over the post history, I've come up with these haiku. These events, I believe, take place from February to May, 1961.

Statement to Soviet Union, regarding civil war in Laos:

To us, Laos matters!

I don't know the reason why.

Look, I'm jingling keys.

Cuba, Cuba, Cuba:

Revolution is good.

Man's will dictates its own path.

Freedom is the point.

Alan Shepard:

Put a man in space!

Well, I didn't, exactly...

America rocks!!

The, “President and the Press,” address:

I heart the press, true,

The pricks mingle too much, though.

Protect the country.

Negro voting rights:

Sipping my latte.

Damn you, Louisiana,

Nigga gotta vote!

More Cuba, Cuba, Cuba:

Cuba wants to front.

My finger on The Button....

Bitch, look up, “fruitless.”

Visit, and address, to Canada:

Keeping you in mind,

As allies, with benefits.

We are much better.

Monday, February 07, 2011

A Light, Lost... RIP, Duane

There are many ways to live life.
Some live mostly for themselves, some live mostly for others, and, some special people form a perfect balance of both.

Duane Redmond was one of the special people.

For himself, D loved good company, good food, a good joke, and, a better wager. He took enjoyment very seriously, and seriously enjoyed his moments. A conversation- he always gave his full attention. A game score- he always knew that, too.

For others, D was a listener, an understander. He didn't just offer his hand for a handshake, he offered a contagious smile, along with brightening eyes. His happiness, within a group setting, spread quickly to all in that setting.

I also know that D could be very introspective. D was a Jack of Many Trades, but, he was never the Fool. Insight, and advice, from D was always worth more than the moment deemed. His knowledge and wisdom made me think that he looked great, for being 75.

Unfortunately, his mental acuity wasn't physically matched. For those of us who knew him, a truly individual, unique, light was lost. For those who never met him, you really missed out...

46 years-old is far too soon. I simply can't believe I'm saying, "Rest in peace, Duane Redmond. You are missed. I will, silently, root for the Washington Redskins, from now on."

Saturday, February 05, 2011

An Addictive Act, Again....

In between classes, last Wednesday, I was, yet again- and, many times over- asked for a spare cigarette. In one encounter, my reply makes for a blog-entry..............

Douche: Hey, can you spare a cigarette?
Me: No.
Douche: Not a giver, huh?
Me: I used to be, but then, I moved to this city.
Douche: *walks away*

I have a prior blog about this sort of thing...

When I wrote that previous blog, I was living in metro Atlanta, and, had no idea...

Now, I get asked for a cigarette around 20-50 times a day: slightly more so, when walking. (I have a transit pass, these days, so I don't walk as often, but, it hasn't really reduced the requests).

Not a giver? Let's all do some math!
I smoke a pack a day- that's $6- I get asked, um, average it at 35 times... that's over a pack and a half! So, my pack ($6) 1.5 packs, for vagrants (can't buy packs, by the half) is $12...
$18 a day, to say, "Yes."
LOL, SCREW THAT! I'm not sure if Bill Gates could afford to provide long term access to cigarettes for these people.
I'm no Bill Gates. Therefore, I'm required to say No.

Not a giver? Really? The better question is, "Not a billionaire?"

Along with all my, "No," responses, I've started to get get a better understanding of the term, "Enabling."

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The 83rd annual Academy Awards

The complete list of nominations, along with my picks:

15 correct - 9 wrong... terrible! Next time, I should see the movies.

Best picture

  • "Black Swan"
  • "The Fighter"
  • "Inception"
  • "The Kids Are All Right"
  • ("The King’s Speech")✔
  • "127 Hours"
  • "The Social Network"
  • "Toy Story 3"
  • "True Grit"
  • "Winter’s Bone"


  • Javier Bardem, "Biutiful"
  • Jeff Bridges, "True Grit"
  • Jesse Eisenberg, "The Social Network"
  • (Colin Firth, "The King's Speech")
  • James Franco, "127 Hours"


  • Annette Bening, "The Kids Are All Right"
  • Nicole Kidman, "Rabbit Hole"
  • Jennifer Lawrence, "Winter's Bone"
  • (Natalie Portman, "Black Swan")
  • Michelle Williams, "Blue Valentine"

Supporting actor

  • (Christian Bale, "The Fighter")
  • John Hawkes, "Winter's Bone"
  • Jeremy Renner, "The Town"
  • Mark Ruffalo, "The Kids Are All Right"
  • Geoffrey Rush, "The King's Speech"

Supporting actress

  • (Amy Adams, "The Fighter") X
  • Helena Bonham Carter, "The King's Speech"
  • Melissa Leo, "The Fighter"✔
  • Hailee Steinfeld, "True Grit"
  • Jacki Weaver, "Animal Kingdom"


  • Darren Aronofsky, "Black Swan"
  • David O. Russell, "The Fighter"
  • Tom Hooper, "The King's Speech"✔
  • (David Fincher, "The Social Network") X
  • Joel Coen and Ethan Coen, "True Grit"

Animated feature

  • "How to Train Your Dragon"
  • "The Illusionist"
  • ("Toy Story 3")

Adapted screenplay

  • "127 Hours"
  • ("The Social Network")
  • "Toy Story 3"
  • "True Grit"
  • "Winter’s Bone"

Original screenplay

  • "Another Year"
  • "The Fighter"
  • "Inception"
  • "The Kids Are All Right"
  • ("The King’s Speech")

Foreign language film

  • ("Biutiful") X
  • "Dogtooth"
  • "In a Better world"✔
  • "Incendies"
  • "Outside the Law"

Art direction

  • ("Alice in Wonderland")
  • "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part I"
  • "Inception"
  • "The King's Speech"
  • "True Grit"


  • “Black Swan”
  • “Inception”✔
  • (“The King's Speech”) X
  • “The Social Network”
  • “True Grit”

Costume design

  • "Alice in Wonderland"✔
  • "I Am Love"
  • "The King's Speech"
  • "The Tempest"
  • ("True Grit") X

Documentary feature

  • ("Exit Through the Gift Shop") X
  • "Gasland"
  • "Inside Job"✔
  • "Restrepo"
  • "Waste Land"

Documentary short

  • "Killing in the Name"
  • ("Poster Girl") X
  • "Strangers No More"✔
  • "Sun Come Up"
  • "The Warriors of Qiugang"

Film editing

  • ("Black Swan") X
  • "The Fighter"
  • "The King's Speech"
  • "127 Hours"
  • "The Social Network"✔


  • “Barney's Version”
  • “The Way Back”
  • (“The Wolfman”)

Sound mixing

  • (“Inception”)
  • “The King's Speech”
  • “Salt”
  • “The Social Network”
  • “True Grit”

Original score

  • “How to Train Your Dragon”
  • “Inception”
  • “The King's Speech”
  • “127 Hours”
  • (“The Social Network”)

Visual effects

  • “Alice in Wonderland”
  • “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1”
  • “Hereafter”
  • (“Inception”)
  • “Iron Man 2”

Original song

  • “Coming Home” from “Country Strong”
  • “I See the Light” from “Tangled”
  • “If I Rise” from “127 Hours”
  • (“We Belong Together” from “Toy Story 3")

Sound editing

  • "Inception" ✔
  • ("Toy Story 3") X
  • "Tron: Legacy"
  • "True Grit"
  • "Unstoppable"

Animated short film

  • "Day & Night"
  • "The Gruffalo"
  • "Let's Pollute"
  • ("The Lost Thing")
  • "Madagascar, carnet de voyage"

Live action short film

  • "The Confession"
  • ("The Crush") X
  • "God of Love" ✔
  • "Na Wewe"
  • "Wish 143"

Thursday, January 13, 2011

One Moment

Last night, I was having a discussion, when suddenly(!) I reminded myself of something. It was a moment in time, frozen and cherished, forever.

A few months ago, I was walking down Post Street, in Union Square. I was just looking for a diner. It was was early; about 5 am. Yes, early. I had woke up, after a worthless sleep, and, was trying to find a SF equivalent to Waffle House.
I came to an intersection, and, noticed a couple arguing. Apparently, she was done with this guy, and, he was continuously begging for forgiveness. Who knows why; It doesn't matter...

Anyway, she was getting fed-up with his begging, and as I was crossing the street, toward them, she exploded.
"This isn't working! You're an ass!" she yelled.
Everyone, myself included, kept an eye on them.

Then, out of the blue, a homeless man approached them. He got within five feet of them, and (with a really good voice) broke into, "Unchained Melody."
"Oooohh, my love, myyyy daaaaaaarling......"
I, and other passers-by, busted out laughing. It was too funny!

I never broke stride, so, I found myself out of earshot quickly. Now, I wish I had stopped, to get this couple's reaction. I know that the girl gave a quick chuckle, but, I'm unsure of anything beyond that. I do know that the homeless man kept singing. He was at the top of his lungs, and could easily be heard three blocks away.

So far, this is my favorite, "Street Moment," in San Francisco. It was a nice change of pace. Usually, I'm just getting asked for cigarettes, or spare change...

Thursday, January 06, 2011

A Rant, on the New Huckleberry Finn

I'm a reader. I enjoy the idea of a novel. Also, I've read them all (not literally), from the great, to the experimental, to the terrible.... Certain works really do stand apart. War and Peace is exceptional for it's detail, Jane Eyre is the definitive first-person narrative, and, Huckleberry Finn captures a region, at an important time. Among many classic works, these novels will always be around. They each capture a niche, that one of any modern reader would want to latch onto. These particular classics maintain, too, the essential devices that make reading (and, writing, too) great. You are looking into particular moments within a character's life, where they are totally out of their element. It's hardship. It's a struggle. It's also the world around, which doesn't always use happy language.

When I heard of a publisher removing, "Nigger," and, "Injun," from Huckleberry Finn, I was immediately offended. The importance (and, the reason it has hung around) of this novel is not the language, or any racism, but instead, the coming-of-age, and acceptance, of Huck Finn. The language is vital to this novel, because it's important to know just how far Huck comes, over a couple dozen chapters. Without the bigotry, where is Huck's heroism? What, then, is the point of the book?

Obviously, this publisher doesn't understand an, "Artist's Intent." Even as rarely as I write, I understand that it isn't the first draft, that gets published. A writer alters. Changes are always required. Mark Twain didn't write Huckleberry Finn on a napkin! I forget the exact number, but, I think, "Nigger," is mentioned 129 times. Probably 129 times by design. Did Twain have a child born on December 9th? Nevermind, that's over analyzing!

I was going to stay in a fit of rage, over this, but, I found a calming force. At this moment, I'd like to thank Neil Gaiman, for wasting his time to answer my dumb question. I guess my grip on Artistic Integrity, blinded me from the Public Domain aspect. I'd also like to thank you, Neil Gaiman, for the idea of Klingon Huck. Very amusing!

What I've learned, is that fury won't get me anywhere. Huck Finn is a Klingon at heart (No wonder Star Trek TNG visited Mark Twain).

All I need to do, to preserve American Literature, is never buy a copy of the neutered Huckleberry Finn....

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Transfer Complete?


I think I've got this, "Re-directing," thing down... From now on, instead of leading to a worthless self-built site, that I'll never develop; it'll lead here, to a worthless pre-built site, that I'll never update. It's pure sweetness!

new adventures.

boy, it sure has been a while. i'm updating all my internet properties because i have to work on my "online presence" for a ux...