Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A Rating

I'm connected to ALL the social-media. This has it's advantages, but also, far too many drawbacks. Let me, stand now, lay down the pros/cons of these sites:

Twitter: Mostly, I follow comedians. This is my Humor Source. This is what keeps me alive. I follow other important people, but, this hasn't proven to be an outlet for friends. Sure, I'll get answers from Neil Gaiman, but, that doesn't mean that I know, or, understand, Neil Gaiman as a person.
As a social application, I think Twitter failed. I only have four friends who use it, among the many Facebookers, that I can keep some kind of communication with. Personally, I *heart* the Twitter.
I wish that more people I KNOW would use Twitter.

Tumblr: An awesome blog site! It uses the Feel, of Facebook and Twitter, and gives the user a free template, for any ideas (or format), and, the blogging possibilities can be endless.
But, like Twitter, It's an unknown (among personal friends) format, so, I follow several random accounts (many are the same people I follow on Twitter).

LinkedIn: I don't take this one very seriously. I work in the restaurant industry, and, short of a miracle, I will always be in this industry. Linkedin loves the idea of suggesting people, in careers, that I could never do.
My mom has a LinkedIn account. To those who know my mother, you know that Hell has gotten slightly colder.

MySpace: I learned many of the basics, of HTML, on this site. During their demise, they got rid of CSS sites, and, that's when they lost me. RIP, MySpace!

Facebook: Wow... what can I say about this site? When I joined, there were about 40,000 members. That was an awesome time! The near-Atari interface was the bomb. Hell, I reconnected (some, personally) with high school friends! That was when Facebook was overtaking MySpace. They went from 125 million, to 400 million, in nearly a blink of the eye... BUT, I miss the old layout.
Facebook spends so much time updating, they've forgotten that they are (used to be) Facebook!
My 'Wall' is covered with Friends commenting on Non-Friends Wall's.... Non-Friends tagging photos... people I don't know are ALL OVER my Wall.
Facebook is a whore, now. I'm addicted, now, so I'll keep using it, but...
Years ago, Facebook peaked. Not with Users; just with sweetness.

Google +: I'm an unimpressed member. Will this be the next Big Thing? We shall see...

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new adventures.

boy, it sure has been a while. i'm updating all my internet properties because i have to work on my "online presence" for a ux...