Wednesday, September 28, 2011

A Question Of Balance?

Has there been a change in, "Customer Mentality," or, is it just the city I live in?
Throughout my life, I've always read a Closed sign to mean, "Closed."

Like this:
Me: **approach door** Oh, they're closed. **walk away**

These days, however, I come across this:
Person: **stepping around the closed sign** Are you closed??
Me: Yes, we are.
Person: So, does that mean I can't get a/an ____________?

What the hell is this?!? It's all relatively new to me, and, it makes me ask a few questions.
Is this just a San Francisco thing? Or, is this a national epidemic of hubris and self-importance? Have DSL and smartphones led us to a, "I need, you deliver," state?
A "Closed" sign only means one thing. It certainly doesn't mean, "We're closed to all, except you." This isn't rocket science, people.

It is things like this, that make me respect the thought process of a Dalek (alien villans from Dr. Who). As a Dalek, my prior example would go like this:
Person: Are you closed?? (while stepping around the closed sign)
Me: Yes, we are.
Person: So, does that mean I can't get a/an ____________?
Me: exterminate. ExterMinAte. EXTERMINAAAATE!!!! **lasers shoot from fingertips**

Much simpler.

Really though, what is going on? Any thoughts?

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new adventures.

boy, it sure has been a while. i'm updating all my internet properties because i have to work on my "online presence" for a ux...