Friday, July 29, 2011

On the debt-celing "debate" *sigh*

”Subtle details change characters’ lives in ways too complex for the conscious mind to grasp, though we nevertheless grasp them. Thus plot not only changes but creates character: By our actions we discover what we really believe and, simultaneously, reveal ourselves to others. And setting influences both character and plot: One cannot do in a thunderstorm what one does on a hot day in Jordan. (One’s camel slips, or, from homesickness, refuses to budge; so the assassin goes uncaught, the President is shot, the world is again plunged into war). As in the universe every atom has an an effect, however minuscule, on every other atom, so that to pinch the fabric of Time and Space at any point is to shake the whole length and breadth of it, so in fiction every element has effect on every other, so that to change a character’s name from Jane to Cynthia is to make the fictional ground shudder under her feet.”

— From “The Art Of Fiction” by John Gardner

Cynthia= Republican terms like “Cutting,” or “Budget”

Jane= The FACT that the debt-ceiling MUST be raised, as it always has before…

Remember: Cynthia is not Jane’s Siamese-Twin… They are unrelated!!!!!

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new adventures.

boy, it sure has been a while. i'm updating all my internet properties because i have to work on my "online presence" for a ux...