Saturday, February 05, 2011

An Addictive Act, Again....

In between classes, last Wednesday, I was, yet again- and, many times over- asked for a spare cigarette. In one encounter, my reply makes for a blog-entry..............

Douche: Hey, can you spare a cigarette?
Me: No.
Douche: Not a giver, huh?
Me: I used to be, but then, I moved to this city.
Douche: *walks away*

I have a prior blog about this sort of thing...

When I wrote that previous blog, I was living in metro Atlanta, and, had no idea...

Now, I get asked for a cigarette around 20-50 times a day: slightly more so, when walking. (I have a transit pass, these days, so I don't walk as often, but, it hasn't really reduced the requests).

Not a giver? Let's all do some math!
I smoke a pack a day- that's $6- I get asked, um, average it at 35 times... that's over a pack and a half! So, my pack ($6) 1.5 packs, for vagrants (can't buy packs, by the half) is $12...
$18 a day, to say, "Yes."
LOL, SCREW THAT! I'm not sure if Bill Gates could afford to provide long term access to cigarettes for these people.
I'm no Bill Gates. Therefore, I'm required to say No.

Not a giver? Really? The better question is, "Not a billionaire?"

Along with all my, "No," responses, I've started to get get a better understanding of the term, "Enabling."

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new adventures.

boy, it sure has been a while. i'm updating all my internet properties because i have to work on my "online presence" for a ux...