Thursday, May 19, 2011

Some More Haiku

I follow a Twitter feed of John F. Kennedy's actions, through 1961. After looking over the post history, I've come up with these haiku. These events, I believe, take place from February to May, 1961.

Statement to Soviet Union, regarding civil war in Laos:

To us, Laos matters!

I don't know the reason why.

Look, I'm jingling keys.

Cuba, Cuba, Cuba:

Revolution is good.

Man's will dictates its own path.

Freedom is the point.

Alan Shepard:

Put a man in space!

Well, I didn't, exactly...

America rocks!!

The, “President and the Press,” address:

I heart the press, true,

The pricks mingle too much, though.

Protect the country.

Negro voting rights:

Sipping my latte.

Damn you, Louisiana,

Nigga gotta vote!

More Cuba, Cuba, Cuba:

Cuba wants to front.

My finger on The Button....

Bitch, look up, “fruitless.”

Visit, and address, to Canada:

Keeping you in mind,

As allies, with benefits.

We are much better.

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new adventures.

boy, it sure has been a while. i'm updating all my internet properties because i have to work on my "online presence" for a ux...