Thursday, January 13, 2011

One Moment

Last night, I was having a discussion, when suddenly(!) I reminded myself of something. It was a moment in time, frozen and cherished, forever.

A few months ago, I was walking down Post Street, in Union Square. I was just looking for a diner. It was was early; about 5 am. Yes, early. I had woke up, after a worthless sleep, and, was trying to find a SF equivalent to Waffle House.
I came to an intersection, and, noticed a couple arguing. Apparently, she was done with this guy, and, he was continuously begging for forgiveness. Who knows why; It doesn't matter...

Anyway, she was getting fed-up with his begging, and as I was crossing the street, toward them, she exploded.
"This isn't working! You're an ass!" she yelled.
Everyone, myself included, kept an eye on them.

Then, out of the blue, a homeless man approached them. He got within five feet of them, and (with a really good voice) broke into, "Unchained Melody."
"Oooohh, my love, myyyy daaaaaaarling......"
I, and other passers-by, busted out laughing. It was too funny!

I never broke stride, so, I found myself out of earshot quickly. Now, I wish I had stopped, to get this couple's reaction. I know that the girl gave a quick chuckle, but, I'm unsure of anything beyond that. I do know that the homeless man kept singing. He was at the top of his lungs, and could easily be heard three blocks away.

So far, this is my favorite, "Street Moment," in San Francisco. It was a nice change of pace. Usually, I'm just getting asked for cigarettes, or spare change...

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new adventures.

boy, it sure has been a while. i'm updating all my internet properties because i have to work on my "online presence" for a ux...