Monday, February 11, 2013


With many thanks to Will Phillips (@TheThryll), I've compiled a list of Alternate Hulks. Several months ago, Will posted this tweet:

The idea of different HULKS has been stuck in my head ever since. So, below is a list of new monsters, with new anger-driven abilities.

"Please, don't make me angry..."

                             "You won't match me when I'm angry" - The Incompatible Hulk

                             "You won't finish me when I'm angry" - The Incomplete Hulk

                             "You won't exclude me when I'm angry" - The Initiated Hulk

                            "You won't feel me when I'm angry." - The Intangible Hulk

                           "You won't "get" me when I'm angry." - The Interpretive Hulk

                            "You won't stop me when I'm angry." - The Intrepid Hulk

                              "You won't forget me when I'm angry." - The Infamous Hulk

A Moron In Space!

 There have been a lot of discussions about sending people into space, recently. I, for one, would really like to go, but I know EXACTLY how it would turn out...

                  So, there you go, this is pretty much, DAN ON MARS.

new adventures.

boy, it sure has been a while. i'm updating all my internet properties because i have to work on my "online presence" for a ux...