Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Some Haiku

Coffee in my mug
Loud music on the stereo
Where is my lighter

Lay around all day
Eat a really big burger
Head on to bed

Reading some Nietzsche
Listening to some Zappa
I do love Tuesdays

Monkey nut tulip
Wheezing in the tense airflow
We should know better

A lot on the mind
Universe between the ears
What color is best

Left to my devices
Beyond a sea of boredom
Tuning the guitar

Slipping past ecru
Time fractures in its own way
Become the wrangler

“Que” asked the stranger
A reckoning in the car
Stifling the disposed

I realize the hour
The hands point high on the clock
Another day ends

This haiku is bad
here are seven syllables
and here are five more

Beer goes down easy
falling across the spaces
I can't feel my nose

Walk the rim beyond
meandering on the shore
need some time to think

Living in the now
the lottery can't be trusted
the machine churns on

Random word suffice
memories awaken now
past remains a-far

Floundering the test
looking frontward from the rear
a hope swells within

Need things to happen
get it together Jackets
avert the nonsense

Good fortune abound
an end to this foolishness
time to stop typing

new adventures.

boy, it sure has been a while. i'm updating all my internet properties because i have to work on my "online presence" for a ux...